Wednesday, October 20, 2021

National Suspenders Day 2021

Today we celebrate National Suspenders Day. Not that I don’t celebrate suspenders every day, but it’s nice to be recognized as a national day, whatever nation that is! 

It’s time to reflect on braces over the past year. The pandemic has seen many people shift their style to more casual, as they work from home. The term “Zoom fashion” has appeared – business casual from the waist up, and sweatpants or leggings from the waist down. Clothes are to be comfortable.

Over the past few months I’ve also taken to wearing more casual clothes. Currently, my go-to jeans are a pair of rich denim, high-waisted, regular fit jeans. My wife's first reaction was, “grandpa pants”, as they are baggy. The waist rises to my natural waistline, and does not stay up without the help of braces. Keeping with the farmer look, I have a pair of wide, stripped, X-back braces that coordinate well with the ruggedness of the jeans. The brace straps are wide with 3 stripes in the middle: black, red, and black. I have not worn wide brace straps before - these are 2 inches wide. I can see why lumberjacks and farmers wear thicker straps as they are more comfortable with lots of bending and twisting.

Lumber-jack stripped braces with jeans

Jeans without the cardigan

And the back is X-back style which provides excellent support above each pant leg. The wide spacing of the rear buttons is very helpful in keeping my jeans in place.

X-back style on my lumber-jack braces

I’ve worn this style around town and seen similar men wear high waisted jeans with suspenders. The styles of the 1980s are coming back: loose fitting jeans, bell bottoms, and over-sized sweaters and jackets, and this fits into that style. 

I was at the grocery store yesterday wearing these clothes. My cardigan was unbuttoned and open, allowing my stripped braces to be displayed. A nice lady stopped me and said, “Hi sir, it’s nice to see you are wearing suspenders to hold up your pants. I wish more young men would wear suspenders to keep their pants from looking scruffy. You look great!”

“Thank you,” I replied, “Suspenders do a great job of holding up my pants,” as I slid my fingers along the straps. "I need suspenders to support these baggy pants."

“Enjoy them,” she said with a smile, and we continued on our way.

Happy National Suspender Day!


  1. Those are some pretty stout suspenders. You need a chainsaw and some logs to carry those off

    1. Yes, they are very strong and sturdy - perfect for rugged jeans.

  2. I just remembered it was National Suspenders Day yesterday.


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